What is the B.E.A.T. Method?
What is the B.E.A.T. Method?
One of the biggest reasons why we’re not able to make lasting friendships is because we’re afraid to be ourselves. We fear rejection. We fear becoming a laughing stock for revealing interests and hobbies that are important to us.
So in order to avoid that feeling, we hide the parts of us that are special an important. As a coach, I help you recognize when this happens and one of the tools I use is called the B.E.A.T. Method.
The Belief, Emotion, Action and Thought method (AKA The BEAT) is a method to observe, interpret and change your environment. Recognizing patterns in your environment is an integral part of producing confidence that you need to be yourself, live your truth and make lasting friendships. I use the BEAT method to help you achieve that.
How does it work?
Your Beliefs will trigger your Emotions, which will influence your Actions and likely justify your Thoughts. Listen to The B.E.A.T. Part 1 for more information.
The B.E.A.T. method uses the theory that an emotion you experience is likely caused by a specific situation. The emotion will then compel you to take a specific predictable action towards achieving a goal.
By paying close attention to your Emotions and Actions, you’ll be able to recognize patterns and decide whether to keep them, change them or break them.
The B.E.A.T. is based on the research of Psychologist and Professor Robert Plutchik.
Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions
Picture Credit: Reddit
Each emotion appears during a situation which then compels you to take an action that will benefit you in some way.
Each action uniquely corresponds with the emotion as indicated in the chart below. For example, you can see that during a situation that produces fear your action would likely be removing yourself from the space while thinking that you will be safe when you are away.
How To Use It
You may not know it but most of the time you are operating on impulse. Your unconscious beliefs form powerful emotions and before you know it, you are acting on it.
The method relies on your ability to identify your emotions, actions or thoughts in any situation. Below is a generalization of the BEAT method that happens within a situation.
Generalized Experience
Situation | Belief | Emotion | Action | Thought |
Something in my environment has stimulated at least one of my five senses. | I unconsciously evaluate the situation against my experiences and worldly knowledge. | An emotion is produced within me that compels me to act. | I perform an action that benefits me. | I think about how I will benefit. |
Now applying each of the 8 basic emotions to a generalized situation, creates the chart below. This chart breaks out each emotion, likely action, associated thoughts and likely belief.
A situation ignites at least one of your five senses then the unconscious BELIEF forms the EMOTION which compels the ACTION with the THOUGHT of reaching of a specific goal.
Based on the emotion you identified, you are able to identify the situation and motivation.
Likely Experiences For Each Emotion
Situation | |||
I hear, see, touch, taste or smell something which gives me the impression that... | |||
Belief | Emotion | Action | Thought |
...something valuable is here. | I feel JOY. | I keep the item or intentionally recreate the situation. | I will have resources. |
...I belong here. | I feel TRUST. | I become acquainted. | I will be supported. |
...something threatening is here. | I feel FEAR. | I exit the situation. | I will be safe. |
...this is unexpected. | I feel SURPRISE. | I stop to analyze the situation. | I will get focus. |
...I lost something valuable. | I feel SADNESS. | I reflect on the meaning of the loss. | I will feel connected to the loss. |
...this is disturbing. | I feel DISGUST. | I expel the disturbing element. | I will be unburdened. |
...something is in my way. | I feel ANGER. | I destroy it. | I will be powerful. |
...this is new. | I feel ANTICIPATION. | I examine it. | I will have important knowledge. |
How Does the b.e.a.t. Help?
The life of your dreams won’t just fall in your lap. You have even less of a chance to build the life you want if your emotions keep high-jacking your brain, controlling your body and creating unintentional chaos. You must be conscious and intentional about monitoring your actions and their consequences. The B.E.A.T. gives you a clear comprehensible connection between those elements.
When your results are not in line with your motivations, can precisely adjust your actions to get what you want.
This new consciousness will teach you more about yourself so that you can make the lasting friendships you deserve.
You will confidently be yourself:
You can be comfortable about how you feel about yourself and your actions.
You will live your truth:
Your knowledge of yourself will clear up any doubts to reveal an unmistakable purpose.
You will make lasting friendships:
Not only will you know exactly what your values are but become proficient in owning them, expressing them and finding people who share your values. You’ll find lasting friendships.